Saturday, April 2, 2011

Survey of students opinions

this survey was made in 38 students.

in my opinion this  survey reveal the students thoughts but that doesn't mean that that is the right way to teach, for example some student think that teacher have to take over the class but we know that's not the idea, students have to participate in classes, work in teams, give opinions, etc.
some students think that teacher can hit them ocassionally, that's not a possible way at all!
for me, this survey was only to have an idea of what are thinking our students...
this kids are between 13 and 14 years olds..

1 comment:

  1. Good reflection Judith. You are absolutely right. The students may have misconceptions about teaching and this information is very important for you to start working to clarify it in an implicit or explicit way. Your mark is a 65.
